The IHRA Resource Library

This page collects all of our resources in one place. Use the filter options to help you find the resource you’re looking for.

Working Definitions & Charters

Listina za varstvo krajev spomina

Learn about the risks facing Holocaust-related sites and what you can do to mitigate them.

Working Definitions & Charters

Arbeitsdefinition von Antisemitismus

Im Geiste der Stockholmer Erklärung hat der Ausschuss für Antisemitismus und Holocaustleugnung das IHRA Plenum in Budapest 2015 aufgefordert, die nachstehende Arbeitsdefinition von Antisemitismus anzunehmen.

Recommendations & Guidelines

IHRA Reflections on Terminology for Holocaust Comparison

This resource provides questions for reflection to help people adopt good practice when comparing the Holocaust and other mass atrocities.


2020 IHRA Ministerial Declaration

These 14 measures underpin the ultimate objective of the IHRA: to ensure the world remembers the Holocaust and works toward a world without genocide.


Stockholm Declaration

The founding document of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance, the Stockholm Declaration outlines the principles that guide the organization and its Member Countries.

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