News and events

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16 Jun 2020 Time to read: 6 mins

2020 IHRA Grant Projects

The seven excellent initiatives selected as 2021 IHRA Grant Projects represent innovative approaches to countering distortion and safeguarding the record of the Holocaust and the genocide of the Roma.

14 Feb 2020 Time to read: 5 mins

New perspectives on past and present of former camp

This interview with Swedish historian Tomislav Dulic in advance of the conference Jasenovac Past and Present: History and Memory of Institutionalized Destruction, co-funded by the IHRA, covers the significance of the site, its place in memory, and the latest developments in research.

13 Sep 2019 Time to read: 2 mins

IHRA Chair leads visit to Zagreb and Jasenovac

The Chair of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA), Ambassador Georges Santer, yesterday led an IHRA delegation to Jasenovac, the former site of a concentration camp established by the Ustasha regime.

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