Our work makes it possible for countries to tackle complex international challenges, and develop policy guided by expertise.

IHRA delegates from our Working Groups, Committees, and IHRA Project teams develop outputs like publications, awareness campaigns, and policy recommendations that address our eight focus areas.

Project highlight

Recent activities and publications

We safeguard the record and counter distortion of the Holocaust and genocide of the Roma using a variety of methods. Learn about the tools we’ve recently published and others currently in development:

Recommendations & Guidelines

Recommendations on Archival Access

Helping archivists and policymakers advance Holocaust research and safeguard the record.

Recommendations & Guidelines

IHRA Reflections on Terminology for Holocaust Comparison

This resource provides questions for reflection to help people adopt good practice when comparing the Holocaust and other mass atrocities.

IHRA Statements

We regularly issue official statements about issues related to the Holocaust and genocide of the Roma, or current events.

Highlighting Holocaust heritage with the IHRA Project Chair Gilly Carr

The IHRA’s Safeguarding Sites project has written a heritage charter to safeguard all Holocaust-related sites in Europe in the 21st century. In this brief video from the University of Cambridge, IHRA Project Chair Gilly Carr speaks about the challenges facing sites today.

Our eight focus areas

Our work centers around eight Focus Areas. These are distinct subjects that are related to the Holocaust or genocide of the Roma. Click through to discover more about our work in each focus area and find useful resources such as publications and guidelines.


We are creating a shared understanding of how antisemitism impacts our societies – and how we can fight it.

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Holocaust denial and distortion

We are leading global efforts to tackle the growing threat of Holocaust denial and distortion.

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Holocaust archives and research

We are helping victims, survivors, and their descendants to reclaim their histories and identities.

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Genocide of the Roma

We are raising awareness of the genocide of the Roma to help combat antigypsyism/anti-Roma discrimination.

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We create tools and resources that help people teach and learn about Holocaust-related issues.

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Remembrance of the Holocaust and the genocide of the Roma

We help governments, organizations, and communities remember victims and survivors in an appropriate way.

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Sites of the Holocaust and the genocide of the Roma

We work with memorials and museums and help safeguard the places where the Holocaust happened.

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Holocaust, genocide and crimes against humanity

We use comparative scholarship, education, and commemoration to build a world without genocide.

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