Advance your knowledge of under-researched areas in Holocaust and genocide studies with the IHRA’s publications. Promote access to archival material using the IHRA’s practical tools.

On this page

This page will help you discover all the resources, guidance and other tools we have produced for scholars and researchers.

Why we work with the Holocaust scholars & researchers

Holocaust research uncovers the facts and makes remembrance possible. The IHRA safeguards the record by supporting initiatives that advance the field, whether through the IHRA’s Academic Working Group (AWG), IHRA Projects, or the IHRA Grant Program.

Recommendations on Archival Access

This key resource brings the world one step closer to open access to Holocaust collections. These Recommendations:

  1. Identify risks to archives
  2. Provide solutions to those risks, including working transnationally to find solutions
  3. Implement good practices to state archives and other archival entities regarding Holocaust-related documentation
  4. Remove legal obstacles, including encouraging the implementation of Recital 158 of the GDPR in national law
  5. Engage in post-project sustainable attention and action to ensure access to archives within IHRA Member Countries and beyond

Recent publications

Our resources are always the result of interdisciplinary work by international expert teams. Explore our recently published tools below.

Recommendations & Guidelines

IHRA Reflections on Terminology for Holocaust Comparison

This resource provides questions for reflection to help people adopt good practice when comparing the Holocaust and other mass atrocities.

Focus area:

Archives and research

We are helping victims, survivors, and their descendants to reclaim their histories and identities.

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