The IHRA Resource Library

This page collects all of our resources in one place. Use the filter options to help you find the resource you’re looking for.

Working Definitions & Charters

Работна дефиниција за антисемитизмот

Законски необврзувачката Работна дефиниција за антисемитизмот на ИХРА беше усвоена во 2016 година и оттогаш е усвоена или одобрена од бројни држави и владини тела.

Overviews & Databases

Memorial Museums Database

The database provides information on the most important memorials and monuments dedicated to the victims of National Socialism.

Working Definitions & Charters

International Memorial Museums Charter

The International Memorial Museums Charter provides memorial museums with internationally agreed-upon principles and ethics for commemorating the victims of the Holocaust.

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