

IHRA Chair’s Statement Regarding Planned Holocaust Denial Competition in Iran

IHRA expresses deep concern over the competition, citing the international community’s responsibility to hold accountable all those who promote Holocaust denial, a form of antisemitism.

IHRA Chair’s Statement regarding the planned Holocaust Denial Competition in Iran:

As in previous years, IHRA’s 31 member countries stand united in their condemnation of the planned 2016 Holocaust denial cartoon competition in Iran.

IHRA strongly believes that it is the responsibility of the international community to uphold the terrible truth of the Holocaust against those who deny it.

This principle is enshrined in IHRA’s founding document, the Stockholm Declaration, and in its Working Definition of Holocaust Distortion and Denial. It must remain clear that Holocaust denial is a form of antisemitism. Any attempt to claim that the Holocaust did not take place or to minimize or blur responsibility for the genocide is an attack on the memory of the victims and survivors of the Holocaust.

2015 was a year that has been blemished by violent antisemitic hate crimes. These events have shown the damaging effects of antisemitism in no uncertain terms and statements and actions which promote antisemitism and incite hatred are rejected by all IHRA member countries.