The IHRA Resource Library

This page collects all of our resources in one place. Use the filter options to help you find the resource you’re looking for.

Working Definitions & Charters

IHRA’s arbejdsdefinition af antisemitisme

International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) samler regeringer og eksperter for at styrke og fremme undervisningen om, bevidstheden om og forskningen i holocaust på verdensplan og for at opretholde forpligtelserne i Stockholm-erklæringen fra 2000.

Overviews & Databases

Memorial Museums Database

The database provides information on the most important memorials and monuments dedicated to the victims of National Socialism.


Protect the Facts Campaign

Join the #ProtectTheFacts campaign to raise awareness of Holocaust distortion – both how to recognize it and how to counter it.

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