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2020 IHRA Ministerial Declaration

These 14 measures underpin the ultimate objective of the IHRA: to ensure the world remembers the Holocaust and works toward a world without genocide.


Stockholm Declaration

The founding document of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance, the Stockholm Declaration outlines the principles that guide the organization and its Member Countries.

30 Nov 2023 Time to read: 5 mins

Securing the future of remembrance at the Zagreb IHRA Plenary

Held at a critical turning point for the future of Holocaust remembrance, the need to carry on the stories and courage of survivors guided 240 experts, political representatives, and representatives of international organizations and civil society throughout their meetings at the Zagreb plenary.


Declaração Ministerial de 2020

A Aliança Internacional para a Memória do Holocausto une governos e especialistas para fortalecer, avançar e promover a educação, a memória e a investigação do Holocausto em todo o mundo.

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