The IHRA Resource Library

This page collects all of our resources in one place. Use the filter options to help you find the resource you’re looking for.

Recommendations & Guidelines

IHRA-ina razmatranja o terminologiji za poredbeno izučavanje Holokausta

This resource provides questions for reflection to help people adopt good practice when comparing the Holocaust and other mass atrocities.

Working Definitions & Charters

Karta ochrony miejsc pamięci

Learn about the risks facing Holocaust-related sites and what you can do to mitigate them.

Recommendations & Guidelines

Reflexiones de la IHRA sobre la terminología para la comparación del Holocausto

This resource provides questions for reflection to help people adopt good practice when comparing the Holocaust and other mass atrocities.

Recommendations & Guidelines

Reflexões da IHRA sobre a Terminologia para a Comparação do Holocausto

This resource provides questions for reflection to help people adopt good practice when comparing the Holocaust and other mass atrocities.

Working Definitions & Charters

Povelja o očuvanju mjesta sjećanja

Learn about the risks facing Holocaust-related sites and what you can do to mitigate them.

Working Definitions & Charters

Carta para la preservación de lugares de memoria

Learn about the risks facing Holocaust-related sites and what you can do to mitigate them.

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