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Joined the IHRA
International Holocaust Remembrance Day
27 January
Emily Roper (Deputy Head of Mission to the United Nations, Geneva) – Head of Delegation
William Baitup (Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade) –
Deputy Head of Delegation
Avril Alba (University of Sydney) – Academic Working Group
Renee Arian (Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade)
Mary Balzary (Australian Government Department of Home Affairs)
Steven Cooke (Melbourne Holocaust Museum) – Museums and Memorials Working Group
Donna-Lee Frieze (Deakin University) – Academic Working Group
Suzanne Hampel (Monash University) – Education Working Group
Donald MacKenzie (Australian Government Department of Home Affairs)
Andre Oboler (Online Hate Prevention Institute) – Academic Working Group
Pauline Rockman (Melbourne Holocaust Museum) – Museums and Memorials Working Group
Suzanne Rutland (University of Sydney) – Education Working Group
Australia recently conducted one of the largest surveys of its kind on Holocaust knowledge and awareness.
The Gandel Holocaust Knowledge and Awareness in Australia Survey, commissioned by the Gandel Foundation, was undertaken by a team of researchers at Deakin University, including IHRA delegates Steven Cooke (Museums and Memorials Working Group) and Donna-Lee Frieze (Academic Working Group).
Australia commemorated International Holocaust Remembrance Day with a virtual ceremony that illuminated the stories of survivors, alongside the voices of leaders within the wider community, to combat racism and discrimination and to ensure that the lessons of the Holocaust continue to be passed on to future generations.