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Joined the IHRA
International Holocaust Remembrance Day
27 January
Anniversary of the Vel' d'Hiv Roundup
16 July
Isabelle Rome (Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs) – Head of Delegation
Anaïs Vaquieri (Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs) – Deputy Head of Delegation
Bruno Boyer (Mémorial de la Shoah) – Museums and Memorials Working Group
Dominique Trimbur (Foundation for the Remembrance of the Shoah) – Academic Working Group
Christian Melka (Fondation du Camp des Milles)
Michal Chojak (Yahad-In Unum) – Academic Working Group
Mattéo Cian (Yahad-In Unum)
Philippe Mosse (Fondation du Camp des Milles) – Education Working Group
Georges Mayer (Convoi 77) – Education Working Group
Lena Casiez (Fondation du Camp des Milles) – Museums and Memorials Working Group
Alexandre Nugues-Bourchat (Fondation du Camps des Milles) – Education Working Group
France’s accession to the IHRA offered an opportunity to create a network of national Holocaust experts, ensuring more efficient sharing of information between institutions and wider dissemination of activities in the areas of Holocaust teaching, research and remembrance. These discussions have also laid the foundation for enhanced educational work and a closer partnership between the authorities and the various remembrance sites in France. This, in turn, has formalized ties through an international network which has been enriched over the years, thus preventing educational and memorial activities from becoming nothing more than rituals.
In January 2023, the French Government presented an action plan against antisemitism.