
Learn about Finland’s efforts to advance education, remembrance, and research on the Holocaust and genocide of the Roma.

Joined the IHRA


International Holocaust Remembrance Day

27 January

See a list of Finland's delegation members

Nina Penttinen (Finnish National Board of Education) – Deputy Head of Delegation – Education Working Group

Simo Muir (University of Helsinki) – Museums and Memorials Working Group

Oula Silvennoinen (University of Helsinki) – Academic Working Group

Kimmo Sasi (Finnish Holocaust Remembrance Association) – Academic Working Group

Miriam Schwartz (Agency of Education) – Education Working Group

Members of the national IHRA group:

Rony Smolar (Jewish Community of Helsinki)  – Museums and Memorials Working Group

Daniel Weintraub (City of Helsinki Education Department) – Education Working Group

Miranda Vuolasranta 

Janette Grönfors (Ministry of Social Affairs and Health of Finland)

In Finland, information on the Holocaust is covered by several school subjects. In 2010, the Finnish National Board of Education amended specific chapters concerning the Holocaust in the national core curriculum of history and philosophy/ethics in both primary and secondary education. Finnish history, religion and ethics teachers attended dedicated training sessions on the Holocaust at the International School for Holocaust Studies at Yad Vashem in 2010 and 2012, and many upper secondary schools in Finland provide special courses on the Holocaust, which include study visits to the Auschwitz Birkenau State Museum. The IHRA national chapter, which includes additional experts and governmental representatives, meets regularly between plenaries to discuss IHRA-related matters.

Recent news

24 Sep 2020 Time to read: 1 min

Finland Supreme Court bans Neo-Nazi group

The Supreme Court of Finland ruled to uphold a ban on the neo-Nazi group Nordic Resistance Movement (PVL). This makes Finland the first to ban this group, which is still active in other countries in Northern Europe.

Resources in Finnish

Working Definitions & Charters

Holokaustin Kieltämisen Ja Vääristelyn Työmääritelmä

Tämä juridisesti sitomaton työmääritelmä holokaustin kieltämisestä ja vääristelystä hyväksyttiin IHRA:n täysistunnossa Torontossa vuonna 2013.

Recommendations & Guidelines

Suosituksia holokaustin opetukseen

IHRA:n julkaisu Suosituksia holokaustin opetukseen pohjautuu yli 30 maasta kotoisin olevien valtuutettujen asiantuntemukseen, ja sen tarkoituksena on tarjota poliitikoille, opetusalan ammattilaisille ja opetushenkilöstölle pohja, joka auttaa heitä: