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Joined the IHRA
International Holocaust Remembrance Day
27 January
Yom HaShoah
27 of the Hebrew month of Nisan
Shuli Davidovich (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) – Co-Head of Delegation
Iris Rosenberg (Yad Vashem) – Co-Head of Delegation
Natalia Sharav (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) – Deputy Head of Delegation
Richelle Budd Caplan (Yad Vashem) – Deputy Head of Delegation
Ruth Cohen-Dar (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) – Deputy to the IHRA Chair
Yossi Gevir (Yad Vashem) – Deputy to the IHRA Chair
Anat Bratman-Elhalel (Ghetto Fighters’ House) – Memorials and Museums Working Group
Haim Saadon (Institute Ben Tzvi) – Academic Working Group
Hilly Moodrick-Even Khen (Ariel University) – Academic Working Group
Robert Rozett (Yad Vashem) – Academic Working Group
Yael Richler (Yad Vashem) – Education Working Group
Maya Romm (Yad Vashem) – Presidency team
Natalia Sharav (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) – Presidency team
The State of Israel remains appreciative of the distinct contribution offered by the IHRA’s very existence over the past 20 years, which has enabled meaningful, relevant and accurate Holocaust remembrance, education and research throughout the world. Obviously, the Shoah remains a deeply evocative, often charged issue for Israel and Israelis, and accordingly the work of Yad Vashem and other Israeli institutions reflects that unique, ever-present centrality. Through the unprecedented platform created by the IHRA on the diplomatic level, Israel has succeeded in developing close partnerships with various IHRA member governments, delegations and constituent institutions, together furthering worthy projects under the IHRA’s aegis.