
Learn about Serbia’s efforts to advance education, remembrance, and research on the Holocaust and genocide of the Roma.

Joined the IHRA


International Holocaust Remembrance Day

27 January

National Roma WWII Genocide Victims' Remembrance Day

16 December

See a list of Serbia's delegation members

Dejan Ristic (Ministry of Information and Telecommunications) – Head of the Delegation – Museums and Memorials Working Group 

Dragan Momcilovic (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) – Deputy Head of Delegation

Stanko Blagojevic (Ministry of Culture) – Museums and Memorial Working Group

Nevena Bajalica (Anne Frank House) – Museums and Memorials Working Group

Jovan Culibrk (Commission on Staro Sajmište Memorial Ground) – Academic Working Group

Milan Koljanin (Institute for Contemporary History) – Academic Working Group

Misko Stanisic (Terraforming) – Education Working Group

Snezana Vukovic (Ministry of Education) – Education Working Group

Mina Zirojevic (Ministry of Education of the Republic of Serbia) – Education Working Group

Krinka Vidakovic Petrov (Memorial Center of Staro Sajmiste) – Museums and Memorials Working Group

Milos Markovic (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia) – Museums and Memorial Working Group

Ladislav Trajer (Federation of Jewish Communities of Serbia) – Academic Working Group

Stanko Debeljakovic (Museum of Genocide Victims, Belgrade) – Academic Working group

Bojan Arbutina (Museum of Genocide Victims, Belgrade) – Education Working Group

Since joining the IHRA in 2011, Serbia has stepped up its efforts to promote and expand activities related to Holocaust education and its culture of remembrance and research, as well as to safeguarding the Jewish community in Serbia. There is a strong sense of determination and political will in Serbia to renovate the Nazi concentration camps on the territory of former Yugoslavia as memorial sites.

The recent developments in Staro Sajmiste attest to this. The central remembrance site in Serbia and the place of mass killings during the Second World War, Staro Sajmiste is defined by the Law on the Memorial Center “Staro Sajmiste” (adopted in February 2020 and entered into force in January 2021) as an institution of culture with the aim of collecting, archiving, maintaining and presenting documents and items in order to preserve the culture of remembrance of the victims of the Jewish extermination camp Zemun and the Topovske Supe concentration camp.

In addition to this, Serbia announced at the Malmö International Forum on Holocaust Remembrance and Combating Antisemitism, held in October 2021, that it would establish a new memorial center in the city of Bor to commemorate the victims of the labor camp which operated during the Second World War.

Additionally, Serbia is among only a few countries to have adopted a special law on restitution to the Jewish community, which systematically regulates the matter of restitution to the victims of the Holocaust without legal heirs in Serbia. The law, which entered into force in 2016, declares that Serbia will compensate the Jewish community with 950,000 EUR each year, until 2041. The Government of the Republic of Serbia, as of 12 October 2023, adopted the IHRA non-legally binding working definition of antisemitism, the IHRA non-legally binding working definition of antigypsyism/anti-Roma discrimination, the IHRA non-legally binding working definition of Holocaust denial and distortion, and the IHRA working definition of Holocaust-related materials.

Holocaust education, remembrance, and research in Serbia

All IHRA Member Countries are asked to complete a basic questionnaire with key facts about the state of Holocaust education, remembrance, and research in their country. The answers to the questionnaire, and to the Country Report, if available, are provided by the national delegations, who are also responsible for keeping the information up to date.

Policy statements relating to the Holocaust and genocide of the Roma
Action plans and statistics
  • The adoption of the Strategy for the Development of Education in Serbia by 2030 and the accompanying Action Plan for the implementation of the Strategy for the Development of Education in Serbia by 2030 is the basis for achieving systemic promotion of education in Serbia. As Measure 1.1.1 is planned in these documents: Development of new and promotion of existing curricula in pre-university education, we believe that this opens up additional space for expanding and explicating topics, key concepts related to teaching about the Holocaust and genocide committed against Roma (and other peoples) as part of the History subject, but also all other subjects that deal with phenomena such as: segregation, discrimination, persecution of minority groups throughout history and crimes committed over them.
  • The Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development in the past decade has provided systemic support to teachers and students who carry out teaching and extracurricular activities dedicated to the theme of World War II and the Holocaust. The Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development signed the Annex to the Memorandum of Understanding with the The Holocaust Martyrs’ and Heroes’ Remembrance Authority in Yad Vashem, State of Israel, on February 5, 2020 which affirmed the commitment to the implementation of the provisions of the Memorandum of Understanding, signed on July 31, 2017, and all previous Memoranda starting from 2008. According to the annual budget plan, the Ministry allocated the funds necessary for the implementation of annual activities, i.e., the organization of seminars for primary and secondary school teachers, and the grant program for civil society organizations that implement programs of special interest for education; funds were allocated to the following programs and associations:
  • The Serbian-Jewish Singing Society – program “May it never be forgotten, the Holocaust, may it never happen again – Music writes memories against prejudice, discrimination, racism, antisemitism, and for tolerance” in 2019.
  • In previous years, the “Haver” and “Education for the 21st Century” associations received funding.
  • In the reporting period, in cooperation with the Yad Vashem The Holocaust Martyrs’ and Heroes’ Remembrance Authority, a seminar for primary and secondary school teachers on the Holocaust and antisemitism was attended by 50 teachers, 15 of whom traveled to the State of Israel in 2019, while 35 attended distance training, organized in September 2020. For the first time, experts, historians of the Museum of the City of Belgrade and the Institute of Contemporary History also participated in the training program.
  • Cooperation was established with the Memorial de la Shoah Museum in Paris, which expressed special interest in signing a cooperation agreement with the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development. This organization realized four webinars “Holocaust as a starting point” in the period 2020 – 2021 (two webinars a year), which were attended by 60 primary and secondary school teachers and 4 experts, historians, in the field of twentieth century history. The webinars were organized as a dialogue between teachers from Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, North Macedonia and Albania. At the webinars, examples of good practice were shown by teachers of high schools and secondary schools who continued to participate as part of the teams for making the best possible lesson plans. The Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, with the Conclusion of February 5, 2021, received the consent of the Government to sign the Memorandum of Cooperation, which was carried out, and after the signing by the French side on April 30, 2021, the agreement entered into force. By this agreement, and in accordance with the Rulebook on continuous professional development and advancement of teachers, educators and expert associates, all seminars organized by Memorial de la Shoah are evaluated as international gatherings ( The Ministry of Education signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Museum of Genocide Victims in Belgrade, by which the two sides are determined to institutionally promote cooperation through joint activities related to research into World War II, the Holocaust, genocide and cultivating a culture of remembrance.
Events relating to the Holocaust and genocide of the Roma
  • Every year on January 27, the Republic of Serbia marks the International Holocaust Remembrance Day, which includes a ceremony of laying wreaths and paying tribute at the Monument to the Victims of Genocide in the Second World War, the Old Fairgrounds. On this occasion, an appropriate commemorative program and an address by the President of the Republic are held (in case that the President is not able to attend, the President of the National Assembly or the Prime Minister make an address). This commemoration is covered by a large number of media, with the presence of survivors, their descendants and association of Serbs, Jews and Roma people. This way of marking the International Holocaust Remembrance Day contributes to the mass suffering of Jews in Serbia in the Second World War being seen as what it indeed is in its character and scope – one of the greatest crimes against humanity in history.
  • The International Holocaust Remembrance Day has been marked in the Republic of Serbia since 2007, when it was included in the Government’s National Program of international activities dedicated to preserving the dignified remembrance of victims of armed conflicts in the past;
  • The Republic of Serbia also marks the National Holocaust, WWII Genocide and other Fascist Crimes Victims’ Remembrance Day – April 22, 1945, when a group of detainees broke out of the Ustasha death camp in Jasenovac – Donja Gradina in the so-called Independent State of Croatia, which was established by the Law on the Establishment of the Museum of Genocide Victims. The Law on State and Other Holidays in the Republic of Serbia stipulates that this day, which is dedicated to the memory of Serbs, Jews and Roma who died in mass and inhumane executions during the Second World War, is marked as a working day. This remembrance event is held in Donja Gradina as a join commemoration with the Government of Republika Srpska.
  • Organized by the Ministry of Labor, Employment, Social Affairs and Veterans Affairs, the Day of Remembrance of the Suffering of Serbs, Roma and Jews is marked in Jajinci near Belgrade, the site of the greatest place of suffering from the Second World War in Serbia. More than 60,000 Serbs, Roma, Jews, members of the People’s Liberation War, anti-fascists and all those who did not reconcile with the occupation of the country and who offered active resistance to the occupier were brutally killed at that location.
  • The Republic of Serbia marks the International Day against Fascism and Antisemitism in memory of the day when violence took place in German streets and squares on November 9, 1938 and marked the beginning of state-organized, legally legitimized and publicly supported persecution of Jews, known as Kristallnacht, and considered to be the symbolic beginning of the Holocaust. Diplomatic community is present for this commemorative event.
  • The International Day of Remembrance for the Roma victims of the Second World War is marked in memory of December 16, 1942, when the German authorities began the systematic persecution and execution of the Roma in the occupied European countries. This remembrance event is held in Pancevo and the wreath is laid to commemorate the victims, along with a commemorative program.
  • Every year in Novi Sad, the commemoration is held for the local victims killed during the Holocaust – the Raid in Novi Sad. The commemoration is organized by a specially formed committee consisting of the City Administration, the Serbian Orthodox Church, the Cultural Center of Novi Sad, the Federation of Jewish Communities of Serbia (FJC). For the last five years, the NGO Terraforming has joined this committee and organizes an international conference dedicated to the International Holocaust Remembrance Day on January 27.
Academic programs and permanent professorships

The Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, in cooperation with the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade, Center for the Study of Jewish Culture and Arts, organized a two-day webinar “Roots and Consequences of the Holocaust through Historical and Cultural Perspective” on May 21 and 22, and November 16 and 17, 2021. Conceived as a multidisciplinary program that examines the roots and consequences of the Holocaust and antisemitism in general and local contexts, it aims to examine a broader historical perspective on the history and culture of the Jewish and Serbian peoples from ancient times to World War II. By the decision of the Minister, the program was placed on the List of programs of public interest, which is approved by the Minister. As a basis for creating a general concept of the program, the authors were guided by the Recommendations for Teaching and Learning about the Holocaust, adopted by the IHRA, while the program contents were realized by experts and outstanding teachers who have been writing dedicatedly for many years, researching and implementing numerous activities in domestic and international contexts. Primary school and high-school teachers made a great contribution to the realization of the program, showing exceptional examples of good practice, which proved that the educational system of the Republic of Serbia, carefully and dedicatedly, implements teaching and extracurricular activities related to 20th century history. The teachers of history of the Elementary School “Vladislav Ribnikar” in Belgrade, the First Belgrade High School and the “Takovo Uprising” High School from Gornji Milanovac presented their works. In direct communication with teachers, great satisfaction was expressed that the program harmonized examples of the latest scientific research in the humanities and the highest quality examples of good practice that is realized in primary and secondary schools. The program was attended by 860 teachers from all over the country who teach subjects and elective programs in primary schools, high schools, secondary vocational schools and secondary art schools, and the Ministry of Education adopted a Decision to grant this program the status of a program of special interest. The program was also followed by 87 teachers from the Republic of Srpska. Teachers were informed in detail at the webinar about the instruction which provides guidelines on how to prepare a lesson or extracurricular activity, based on the material or narrative presented at the webinar. The Faculty of Philosophy, the Center for the Study of Jewish Culture and Art, will enable all teachers who wish to publish a paper in the field of history, history of art or literature to do so in the Menorah magazine. The center will also organize free walks around Belgrade for teachers, with expert-conducted tours of all places of suffering in the Second World War. After the webinar, as a requirement for obtaining a certificate, the participants had the obligation to submit papers, lesson plans, which are based on the knowledge obtained at the webinar. The selection of papers was made by the Faculty of Philosophy and the database of works includes 180 best examples of good practice. A video of the webinar on the link below:

Report on the webinar from the site of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development:

Reports on the implementation of primary and secondary school activities:

  1. First Belgrade High School – In January 2019, the students of the First Belgrade High School received an invitation from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to attend the ceremony marking the International Holocaust Day. The ceremony was held in the Ceremonial Hall of the Rectorate of the University of Belgrade on February 1, 2019, and the event was addressed by survivors from the Jasenovac camp. The students distributed the Charter of the First Belgrade High School, which included biographies of former students David Albala and Avram Lević, and the testimony of former student Gerson Caponi. In addition to the Charter, a photograph of a memorial plaque from the school hall, which shows the names of the Jewish students and professors of the First Belgrade High Schools who lost their lives, during the Second World War, was presented. In the same year, on October 21, a panel discussion was held in the School’s Ceremonial Hall, NEVER FORGET, THE HOLOCAUST, NEVER AGAIN – MUSIC WRITES MEMORY. In March 2020, the exhibition “Holocaust in Serbia” was opened at the school, organized by the Centre for Applied History.
  2. “Takovo Uprising” High School in Gornji Milanovac – Exhibition “Anne Frank – History for Today” – The Regional Project “Historija, Istorija, Povijest:  History – Lessons for Today”, in cooperation with the Anne Frank House (Netherlands), has since the end of 2014 been carried out by partner organizations in their countries – HERMES (Croatia), Youth Initiative for Human Rights and the Humanity in Action Foundation (BiH), Youth Educational Forum (North Macedonia) and Open Communication (Serbia). As a result of the realization of this project, a traveling exhibition “Anne Frank – History for Today” was created. The exhibition is one of the world’s most famous educational exhibitions on the Holocaust and human rights and aims to create a network of peer educators – a guide to the exhibition. Fifteen students with their professors spent two days (October 26 and 27, 2019) training for running an exhibition and being educated about the Holocaust. During the training, the students also mounted the panels themselves and set up an exhibition in the school hall. On 28 October 2019, an exhibition dedicated to Anne Frank was opened to visitors with a special program.
  3. Uzice High School – Cooperation with French colleagues from the High School in Coutances and the Centre for Holocaust Education and Studies was carried out. The students created a comic with Aleksandar Zograf about the life and destiny of the Gutman family.
  4. Elementary school “Branislav Nusic” Donja Trnava – Participation in the competition of the Haver Serbia association – Holocaust – culture of remembrance – 2019. Group work of students from 5th to 8th grade – category of art works, poster “May the world no longer close its eyes”. The preparation of the artwork was preceded by research of students on the topic of the Holocaust and the acquisition of new knowledge, and then the making of a poster that was sent to the competition followed. They visited the Jewish History Museum where they listened to a lecture on the Holocaust and of course interacted with other participants in the competition and exchanged ideas and opinions.
  5. Elementary school “Petefi Sandor” Novi Sad – Organized a workshop on writing letters on the occasion of World Letter Writing Day during distance learning: “Dear Ana, I know that my number of days in isolation is immeasurable with yours (because what is 53 compared to 761), but I have to admit to you that it is only now that I understand you… “
  6. XIV Belgrade High School – “Education for the 21st century Project BELgrade advenTURE”. The project was created as part of school and extracurricular activities in the school year 2018/19. During 2019/20 the project was implemented by the organization Education for the 21st Century and it received the support of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development. It continued to be realized during the school year 2020/21 without financial support as well as in 2022 with the financial support of Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development. Together with teachers-mentors, students, with the support of the curator visit, research, photograph the artistic heritage of Belgrade and create an electronic database of cultural and artistic heritage of Belgrade on the website The website is divided into thematic units: Medieval Belgrade; Ottoman Belgrade; Jewish Belgrade; Royal Belgrade (Belgrade of the Obrenović and Karađorđević dynasties) and Socialist Belgrade. One of the topics of the project is the research of the history and cultural and artistic heritage of the Jews in Belgrade. The students had 4 research tasks: List of buildings and memorials (Jewish Historical Museum, Sukkat Shalom Synagogue, Sephardic and Ashkenazi Jewish Cemetery, Oneg Shabbat – Jewish Cultural Center, Old Fairgrounds Camp, Cannon Shed Camp) which were part of the Jewish Community in Belgrade, History of Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews in Belgrade, the Holocaust in Belgrade and Personal archives/stories. The special value of the project are personal stories about the citizens of Belgrade who left a mark in the history of this city with their work and good deeds, and who are forgotten and unknown to the public, so in that sense Breda Kalef’s personal story was presented, who had been interviewed by the students in the previous period. The project became part of the European Heritage Days event, which was organized in 2020.
  7. Jovan Jovanović Zmaj High School, Novi Sad – Students and teachers attended a lecture at the Museum of Vojvodina titled “Raid in South Bačka 1942” in January 2020. Lecturer: Dimitrije Mihajlović.Teachers and students attended the unveiling of the memorial plaque on the corner of Miletićeva and Grčkoškolska streets. Participation in the International seminar lasting three hours in the Cultural Center of the city of Novi Sad, titled “From the Novi Sad Raid to Auschwitz”. Visit to the exhibition of paintings from Yad Vashem, at the Archives of the City of Novi Sad – “Shoah: How was it Humanly Possible?”. Visit to the Old Fairgrounds camp, guided tour, laying of wreaths and conversation with Ester Bajer, who was born there in January 1942. Since 2017, every year on April 22, on the National Day of Remembrance of the Victims of the Holocaust and Genocide against Serbs, Professor Teodor Kovac has been holding a public lesson in the length of two school classes.Visit to the event presenting the book “The Bor Notebook”, poems by Miklós Radnóti, authors Aleksandar Zograf and Zoran Paunovic, Svilara Cultural Station. High School in Pozarevac- Student Parliament organized a public lesson on the topic of the Holocaust, and representatives of the School’s administration attended the Great School Lesson commemoration in Kragujevac. During the state of emergency, a convenient message was sent to the students and an invitation to see a film that was broadcast on the Public Service television channel “Diary of Diana Budisavljević”. The school hosted the exhibition “Anne Frank – History for Today” – in cooperation with of Anne Frank House, and with sponsorship of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Serbia.
  8. Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade – At the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade, at the Department of History, within the subjects Methods of Teaching History (4th year of undergraduate studies) and Teaching Practice (master studies), every academic year in the spring semester two classes are devoted exclusively to lectures on the Holocaust in history teaching. In 2019, the Center for Research in the Teaching of History and Historical Heritage from the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade, in cooperation with the Faculty of Philosophy in Zagreb and the University of Frankfurt on the Oder, conducted a project involving undergraduate, master’s and doctoral students and students of the Tenth Belgrade High School “Mihajlo Pupin”. With the help of narrative and documentary historical sources, the students had the task to take the high school 4th year students to the places of great suffering during the Second World War in Belgrade – the Old Fairgrounds, the Jewish Cemetery and the Cemetery of the Liberators of Belgrade. The project aimed to connect local history, historical research and history teaching.
  9. The Center for the Study of Jewish Art and Culture – Founded in 2016, it is dedicated to the research and development of curriculum related to questions of Jewish art and culture as a complex phenomenon. In the broadest sense, the Center is dedicated to contextualized study of Jewish material and visual culture belonging to the spheres of public representation and the private, the sacral and the profane, from the territory of southeastern Europe and beyond – taking into account the diverse modes of expressing the Jewish identity. In terms of chronology, the Center deals with studies of visual culture created among the late antique and medieval Romaniote communities, through that of the Sephardic Jews coming to the Balkans, to Jewish communities of the early modern and modern era, with special emphasis on the area of southeastern Europe. The research undertaken by the Center takes into account both the high and institutionalized visual culture, as well as the popular and folklore, including various aspects of devotional, Jewish sacral and secular space, the world of material and objects of art, cult objects and funerary art in all its guises, memorial art and the culture of memory, as well as the different aspects and relations between verbal and visual culture, including, finally, the field of Holocaust studies. As an institution that deals with education and popularization of science in the field of Jewish studies, the Center will strive to contribute to the development of this scientific field within the University of Belgrade, according to the needs of its students, through various teaching activities, study programs, workshops and courses.
  10. WORKSHOP “JEWISH ART AND TRADITION 2022” – The landmark fifteenth winter workshop “Jewish Art and Tradition” was held at the Faculty of Philosophy from February 7 to 12, 2022, organized by the Center for the Study of Jewish Art and Culture and the Department of Art History. The series of lectures at the fifteenth workshop were held by visiting professors from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel, Prof. Eliezer Papo and Prof. Peter Sh. Lehnardt. During the workshop “Jewish Art and Tradition”, individual lectures were given by professors and associates of the Department of Art History of the Faculty of Philosophy, and associates of the Archaeological Institute in Belgrade, as well as the Museum of Applied Arts and the Museum of Genocide Victims in Belgrade. As part of this year’s workshop, the thirtieth anniversary of the renewal of diplomatic relations between Israel and the Republic of Serbia was also marked. Particular attention will be paid to the importance of studying the Holocaust and presenting the strategies of various institutions in this field. The honorary guest of this year’s anniversary workshop was His Eminence Bishop Jovan (Culibrk) of Pakrac-Slavonia. The planned courses, along with individual lectures, aim to acquaint students and attendees with various aspects of Jewish cultural history and the methodology of studying and scientific interpretation of Jewish art and tradition. During the winter workshop, tours of the Jewish Historical Museum in Belgrade and the Jewish topography of Belgrade are planned, with a visit to the Sukkat Shalom Synagogue. The winter workshop is intended for students of humanities and social sciences interested in the cultural history of the Jewish people, with a special focus on visual culture, literature, religious tradition as well as the Jewish remembrance culture and Holocaust studies.
Noteworthy research

1. Krinka Vidaković Petrov, “Between Religion and Secular Ideology: Jewish Officers from Yugoslavia in German POW Camps”, Jews of Serbia-Officers of the Royal Yugoslav Army, Jewish Historical Museum, Belgrade, 2015, 17-68.
2. Krinka Vidaković Petrov, “Between Religion and Secular Ideology: Jewish Officers from Yugoslavia in German POW Camps”, Jews of Serbia-Officers of the Royal Yugoslav Army, Jewish Historical Museum, Belgrade, 2015, 88-136.
3. Krinka Vidaković Petrov, “The Holocaust in Yugoslavia: Questions of Identity”, Hiding, Sheltering and Borrowing Identities. Avenues of rescue during the Holocaust, Yad Vashem, The International Institute of Holocaust Research, Jerusalem, 2017, 343- 365.
4. Krinka Vidaković Petrov, “Jamila Andjela Kolonomos: de las memorias al libro conmemorativo” / “Jamila Andjela Kolonomos: From Memoir to Commemoration Book”, in Paloma Díaz- Mas y Elisa Martín Ortega (eds.), Mujeres sefardíes lectoras y escrituras, Madrid-Frankfurt, Iberoamericana -Vervuert, 2016, 243-260.
5. Krinka Vidaković Petrov, «Jewish Identity in Yugoslavia Before and After the Holocaust”, Colloquia Balkanica, Uniwersytet Warszawski, Wydzial Artes Liberales, Warsaw, 2021, 237-257.
6. Krinka Vidaković Petrov, “Erwin Miller: Death on Leave: A memoir on the Jasenovac death camp”, Književna istorija, Institute for Literature and Art, Belgrade, 2018, 165, 239-257.
7. Krinka Vidaković Petrov, “The Message of Jasenovac in the 21st Century”, Sloboda, Chicago, 2021, 10-11.
8. Krinka Vidaković Petrov, “Холокауст и рат у књижевности југословенског културног простора” / “The Holocaust and War in the Literature of the Yugoslav Cultural Space”, Književna istorija, Institute for Literature and Art, 2020, Belgrade, 327-330.
9. Krinka Vidaković Petrov, “Memory Mediation by First- and Second-Generation Survivors: Why They Said Nothing: Mother and Daughter on One and the Same War by Magda Bošan Simin and Nevena Simin”, Studia Judaica, Instytut Judaystiki Uniwersytetu Jagiellonskiego, Krakow, 2018, 1, 31–54.
10. Krinka Vidaković Petrov, “Transgenerational Memory: From Pre-Holocaust to Post-Yugoslavia”, Colloquia Humanistica, Institute of Slavic Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences, 2020, 9 (2020), 38-58.
11. Krinka Vidaković Petrov, “Rethinking the Holocaust Novel in Yugoslavia: From Hinko Gottlieb to Aleksandar Petrov’s Like Gold in Fire”, Jevreji, vol. 2, D. Bošković and Č. Nikoić (eds.), Filološko-umetnički fakultet, Kragujevac, 2021, 225-237.
12. Krinka Vidaković Petrov, “Prostor u romanu Kao zlato u vatri Aleksandra Petrova” / “Space in Aleksandar Petrov’s Novel Like Gold in Fire”, Philologia Serbica, University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Philology, 2022, 2, 27-49.
13. Biljana Albahari, Pisanje stradanja: knjiga o knjigama: vodič kroz publikacije o Holokaustu / Writing Suffering: A Book of Books: A Guide to Holocaust Publications, Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, Beograd, 2017
14. Aleksandar Stojanović, “Contemporary historiography on the Holocaust in occupied Serbia 1941-1944”, ???, 151-164
15. Forced Labour in Serbia. Producers, Consumers and Consequences of Forced Labour 1941-1944, Sanela Schmid and Milovan Pisarri  (eds.), Center for Holocaust Research and Education, Belgrade, 2018
16. Jewish camp Zemun and Reception camp Zemun. Past, present, future / Judenlager Semlin, N. Fogel (ed.), Jevrejska opština Zemun, Beograd, 2021.
17. Pavle Dželetović Ivanov, Jews of Kosovo and Metohija, Institute Vlatacom, Belgrade, 2020
18. Dragan Cvetković, „ Holocaust as an extreme form of suffering of civilians in occupied Serbia – numerical definition and quantitative analysis “, Tokovi istorije, 2/2018, 89–118.
19. Dragan Cvetković, „ Cannon Sheds and Fairground camps central places of the Holocaust in occupied Serbia – numerical definition and quantitative analysis), Istorija 20. veka, 1/2018, 69–92.
20. Dragan Cvetković, „ Holocaust in Serbia (German occupation area) – numerical definition and quantitative analysis“, Tokovi istorije, 3/2017, 111–142.
21. Dragan Cvetković, „Jasenovac concentration camp and its role in the destruction of the NDH peoples – calculation of the possible number of victims based on the partially revised 1964 census“, in Jasenovac – manipulations, controversies, and historical revisionism, (eds. Adriana Benčić, Stipe Odak, Danijela Lučić), Jasenovac, 2018, 171–219.
22. Dragan Cvetković, From the Cannon Sheds to the Fairgrounds, Museum of Genocide Victims, Beograd, 2021.
23. Nenad Antonijević, “War crimes in Kosovo and Metohija in 1943 and 1944”, Kosovo and Metohija in the Second World War: Seven Decades Later, Kosovska Mitrovica: Filozofski fakultet Univerziteta u Prištini, 2016, 135—154.
24. Milan Koljanin, “The role of concentration camps in the policies of the independent state of Croatia (NDH) in 1941”, Balcanica, 2015.
25. Ustasha Atrocities: Collection of documents (1941–1942), Milan Koljanin (ed.), Archives of Vojvodina, Diocese of Bačka, Archives of Republika Srpska, Novi Sad, 2020.
26. Milan Koljanin, „The political use of the explosion in Smederevo on June 5, 1941 and the ‘final solution to the Jewish question’”, Vojnoistorijski Glasnik 2 (2017), 147–163.
27. Milan Koljanin, „Holocaust in Serbia. Ideology and Experience“, Vom ‘Verschwinden’ der deutschsprachigen Minderheiten. Ein schweriges Kapitel in der Geschichte Jugoslawiens 1941-1955, Glass, Christian, Zoran Janjetović, Marianne Graumann, Wolfgang Kessler et al., (Red.), Berlin: Stiftung Flucht, Vertreibung, Versöhnung; Ulm: Donauschwäbisches Zentralmuseum, 2016,  73–78.
28. Milan Koljanin, “The role of the Serbian police in the Holocaust in the German occupation zone in Serbia”, Nenad Fogel (ed.), Collection: Conference Jewish camp Zemun and Reception camp Zemun. Past, present, future, Jevrejska opština Zemun, Beograd, 2021, 53–70.
29. Deportation of the Jews of Bačka 1944, Vladimir Todorović, Petar Đurđev, Aleksandar Bursać (eds.), Arhiv Vojvodine, Danubius Association, Novi Sad, 2019.
30. Deportation of the Jews of Bačka in 1944, Aleksandar Busać, Vladimir Todorović, Petar Đurđev (ed.), Arhiv Vojvodine, Bar–Ilan University, Novi Sad, Ramat Gan, 2021.
31. Reports on the crimes of the occupiers and their helpers in Vojvodina, 1941–1944, Volume 1, Backa and Baranja, Nebojsa Kuzmanovic, Zoran Kolundzija (eds.), phototype edition, Archives of Vojvodina, Prometej, Novi Sad 2020.
32. Reports on the crimes of the occupiers and their helpers in Vojvodina, 1941–1944, Volume 2, Srem, Book 1, Nebojsa Kuzmanovic, Zoran Kolundzija (eds.), phototype edition, Archives of Vojvodina, Prometej, Novi Sad 2020.
33. Legal Order of the Independent State of Croatia, Boris Begović, Zoran Mirković (ed.), Faculty of Law, Belgrade 2017.
34.    ALBAHARI, Biljana,  Absence and presence of history – librarians as heirs, researchers and mediators: after visiting the library of the World Holocaust Remembrance Center in Yad Vashem (Israel) and the Seminar for Archivists and Librarians from Serbia / Biljana Albahari. – Notes and bibliographic references with the text. – Bibliography: p. 157. – Summary. In: Gazette of the National Library of Serbia. – ISSN 1450-8915. – Year. 17, No. 20 (2018), pp. 145-158.
35.    BANJANIN Djuricic, Nada, What you are doing is important: learning about the Holocaust according to the recommendations of Yad Vashem / Nada Banjanin Đuričić. – Beograd : Grupa 484, 2019 (Beograd : Dosije studio). – 134 str. : ilustr. ; 30 cm. Text printed in two columns. – Circulation 500. – Pp. 118-120: Why the Holocaust?/ Zoran Bašić. – Pp. 120-124: Educational philosophy of Yad Vashem / Hava Baruh. – Notes and bibliographic references with the text. – Bibliografija: str. 132-134.
36.    ILIC, Predrag, Stepinac and the Holocaust in the Independent State of Croatia / Predrag Ilić. – 2. izd. – Beograd : Albatros plus, 2019 (Beograd : Bubanj štampa).
37.    ILIC, Predrag,  Stepinac and the Holocaust in the Independent State of Croatia / Predrag Ilić. – Beograd : Albatros plus, 2017 (Beograd : Bubanj štampa). – 307 str. : ilustr. ; 24 cm. – (Biblioteka Posebna izdanja / [Albatros plus])
38.    BAJIC, Predrag, Guide for the Defense of Humanity / Predrag Dj. Bajic. – Illust. – Book review: Zygmunt Bauman: Modernity and the Holocaust, Zagreb, 2017.
39.    ALBAHARI, Biljana, The role of librarians in cultivating Holocaust remembrance / Biljana Albahari, Vesna Trijić. – Illust. – Also available at:
40.    ŽEBEC-Šilj, Ivana, Ljiljana Dobrovšak, Jews in Srijem, from immigration to the Holocaust / Ivana Žebec Šilj. – Book review: Jews in Srijem, from immigration to the Holocaust, Vukovar, 2017.
41.    TEACHING material for combating anti-semitism. Part 2, Holocaust / [authors Milan Koljanin … [et al.]]. – Belgrade: Propaganda Jovanović, 2018 (Belgrade: Štamparija Jovanović).
42.    Cover – “Project of the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights at the OSCE and the Anne Frank House” -> – Circulation 2,000.
43.    RISTOVIC, Milan, Yugoslav Jews fleeing the Holocaust: 1941-1945. / Milan Ristović. – 2nd ed. (1st ed. Published by Cigoja Stampa). – Belgrade: Cigoja Stampa, 2016 (Belgrade: Cigoja Stampa).
44.     STIPIĆ, Davor, Wastelands of Historical Revisionism : Remembering the Holocaust in Last Years of Yugoslav Socialism 1988-1991 / Davor Stipić.
45.    CRIMES of the occupiers and their helpers in Vojvodina against the Jews: (extermination, deportation, torture, arrest, robbery) / Provincial Commission for Determining the Crimes of the Occupiers and Their Helpers in Vojvodina.
46.    PORTRAITS and Memoirs of the Jewish Community in Serbia before the Holocaust: A Handbook for Teachers / Sonja Viličić, Dragana Stojanović, Đenka Mihajlović, Vera Mevorah. – Beograd : Savez jevrejskih opština Srbije, [2015?] (Novi Sad : Studio DENIK). – 115 str. : ilustr. ; 23 cm
47.    SREMAC, Radovan, Holocaust in Srem: materials / Radovan Sremac. – Šid : Zavičajni klub Opštine, 2019 (Niš : Sven).
48.    GOLDHAGEN, Daniel Jonah, The “Willing Executioners”/ “Ordinary Men”: Debate on (German) anti-Semitism / Daniel J. Goldhagen, Christopher R. Browning; translated, prepared and the introductory study written by Nada Banjanin Đuričić, Predrag Krstić. – Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju ; Novi Sad : Akademska knjiga, 2019 (Beograd : Donat graf).
49.    PISARI, Milovan, October 1941: 31 days of Holocaust crimes, genocide and terror of the Nazi and collaborationist authorities in Serbia. / [authors Milovan Pisari, Nikola Radić Lucati]. – Belgrade: Historical Archive, 2016 (Belgrade: Tipografik plus).
50.    CVETKOVIC, Emilija, Holocaust Mapping: Places of Remembrance in Serbia: Cannon Shed Camp, Banjica Camp, Old Fairground Camp, Novi Bečej, Zrenjanin, Subotica, Šabac, Red Cross Camp / Emilija Cvetković. – Beograd : Centar za primenjenu istoriju, 2020 (Beograd : Colorgrafx).
51.    ALBAHARI, Biljana, Writing suffering: a guide through publications on the Holocaust: exhibition catalog / [authors] Biljana Albahari, Ornela Rezinović. – Beograd : B. Albahari, 2017 (Beograd : B. Albahari)
52.    ALBAHARI, Biljana, Writing Suffering: A Book of Books: A Guide to Holocaust Publications, Biljana Albahari. – Beograd Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, Beograd, 2017 (Beograd : Donat graf)
53.    SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE Holocaust and Philosophy (2017 ; Novi Sad)        Holocaust and Philosophy: Scientific Conference / Scientific Conference of the Institute of Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade, April 18, 2017, Novi Sad; [eds. Jelena Ćeriman, Mark Lošonc, Predrag Krstić]. – Beograd : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, Univerzitet, 2017 (Beograd : Donat Graf).
54.    NIKODIJEVIC, Dusan, Numbers of victims in the Jasenovac concentration camp in 1942 according to the testimonies of surviving witnesses / Dušan Nikodijević. – Tables. – Notes and bibliographic references with the text. – Abstract; Summary. – Bibliography:
55.    NIKODIJEVIC, Dusan, Contribution to determining the number of victims of the Jasenovac camp system in 1941 / Dušan Nikodijević. – Illust. – Notes and bibliographic references with the text. – Abstract;; Summary. – Bibliography: p. 212-213
56.    STIPIC, Davor, In the fight against oblivion: The Jewish community in Yugoslavia and preserving the memory of the Holocaust 1945-1955 / Davor Stipić. – Illust. – Also available at: – Notes and bibliographic references with the text. – Abstract; Summary. – Bibliography: p. 119-120.
57.    STIPIC, Davor, Social perception of “The Diary of Anne Frank” in Yugoslav Socialism / Davor Stipić. – Notes and bibliographic references with the text. – Bibliography: p. 68-70. – Abstract; Summary.
58.    STIPIC, Davor, Presentation of the Holocaust and war crimes in the museums of socialist Yugoslavia / Davor Stipić. – Notes and bibliographic references with the text. – Bibliography: p. 113-114. – Abstract; Summary.
59.    SUBOTIC, Jelena, Yellow Star, Red Star: Memory of the Holocaust after Communism / Jelena Subotić; translated from English by Ksenija Todorović. – Beograd: Clio, 2021 (Kragujevac : Grafostil). – 301 pages. : ill. ; 22 cm. – (Agora / Clio)
60.     SUBOTIC, Jelena, Yellow Star, Red Star: Memory of the Holocaust after Communism / Jelena Subotić; translated from English by Ksenija Todorović. – Beograd: Clio, 2021 (Kragujevac : Grafostil). – 301 pages. : ill. ; 22 cm. – (Agora / Clio)
61.    TRBOJEVIC, Danilo, Living through and narrating trauma: cultural role and social identity of “(children-) camp inmates” / Danilo Trbojević. – Also available at: – Notes and bibliographic references with the text. – Bibliography: p. 554-556. – Abstract.
62.    FISHER, Edit, Significant contribution to Holocaust research in Bela Crkva / Edit Fisher. – Also available at: – Book review: Živan Ištvanić: Kulturbund and Jews in Bela Crkva 1920-1941, Bela Crkva 2018.
63.    FOGEL, Nenad, Missing in the Holocaust – Zemun: every image tells a story / Nenad Fogel; [English translation by Olivera Polajner]. – Belgrade: Jewish municipality Zemun, 2015 (Belgrade: Digital art). – 148, 24 pages. : ill. ; 24 cm
64.     THE HOLOCAUST and philosophy / edited by Mark Lošonc, Predrag Krstić. – Belgrade: University, Institute of Philosophy and Social Theory, 2018 (Belgrade: Donat Graf). – 235 pages. ; 21 cm
65.    CONFERENCE Zemun Jewish Camp and Zemun Reception Camp Past-Present-Future (2021; Belgrade) Collection / Conference Jewish Camp Zemun and Reception Camp Zemun past-present-future, Zemun, 18-19. IX. 2021; [editor Nenad Fogel]. – Belgrade: Jewish municipality Zemun, 2021 (Lazarevac: LaPressing). – 186 pages. : ill. ; 24 cm
66.    CAMP Sajmište: victims of the Jewish camp Zemun / [Jelena Jovanović … [etc.]]. – Belgrade: Historical Archive of Belgrade, 2018 (Belgrade: Official Gazette). – 467 pages. : ill. ; 23 cm + 1 electronic optical disc (CD-ROM)
67.     MIHAILOVIĆ, Dragoslav, Brief history of oppression / Dragoslav Mihailovic. – Belgrade: Official Gazette, 2015 (Belgrade: Gazette). – 170 pages. ; 21 cm. – (Special Editions Library)
68.    CVETKOVIC, Dragan, From “Topovske Šupe” concentration camp to “Sajmište”: Quantitative Analysis of the Holocaust in Occupied Serbia / Dragan Cvetković. – 2nd ed. – Beograd: Muzej žrtava genocida = Genocide Victims Museum, 2021 (Beograd: Intra Net Centar).
69.    CVETKOVIC, Dragan, From “Topovske Šupe” concentration camp to “Sajmište”: Quantitative Analysis of the Holocaust in Occupied Serbia / Dragan Cvetković- Belgrade:  Genocide Victims Museum, 2020 (Belgrade: Republic Bureau of Statistics).
70.    MEBOPAX, Vera, Nada Banjanin Đuričić: What you are doing is important: learning about the Holocaust according to the recommendations of Yad Vashem, 2019 / Vera Mevorah.
71.     Use of graphic novel, literature and archival materials in the Holocaust study on the example of the educational concept of the collection of the illustrated novels  Ester: A Handbook for Teachers / (authors in alphabetical order): Biljana Albahari … [et al.]; editor Miško Stanišić; illustrators Tiberiu Beka … et al.]. – Belgrade: Teraforming South, 2018 (Belgrade: Štamparija Jovanović). – 63 pages. : ill. ; 21 x 27 cm
72.    KOVAC, Danilo, A case study comparing good practice in the use of pedagogical resources in holocaust education in England and Republika Srpska / Danilo Kovač. – Illust. – Notes and bibliographic references with the text. – Bibliography: p. 249-250.
73.    STOJANOVIC, Biljana,Teaching and learning about the Holocaust / Biljana Ž. Stojanovic
74.    ANČIĆ, Ivana, The role of art and history in the representation of the Holocaust / Ivana Ančić.
75.    MELIĆ, Katarina, How to talk about the Holocaust? / Katarina V. Melic, Natasa P. Rakic. In: Brands in literature, language and art / editors Dragan Bošković, Miloš Kovačević, Nikola Bubanja. – Kragujevac : Filološko-umetnički fakultet, 2019. – ISBN 978-86-80796-29-1. – Стр. 57-71.
76.    DAKOVIC, Nevena, Images without memory: trauma, film, transmission / Nevena Daković. – Beograd : Faculty of Dramatic Arts, 2020 (Belgrade : Šprint
77.    NIKOLIĆ Kyriakopoulou, Sandra, Holocaust and Trauma in Greek Cinema: Manousos Manousakis’ Ouzeri Tsitsanis (Cloudy Sunday) / Sandra Nikolic-Kyriakopoulou. – Napomene i bibliografske reference uz tekst. AVRAMOVIC, Sima, 1950-
78.    TODORIC, Gordana, The problem of the biblical canon and its metastable productivity / Gordana Todorić. – Also at: – Notes and bibliographic references with the text. – Bibliography: p. 263-264. ; Summary: The problem of the biblical canon and its metastable productivity.In: Forgiveness and / or forgetting / eds. Zorica Kuburić, Ana Zotova, Ljiljana Ćumura. – Novi Sad: Centar za empirijska istraživanja religije, 2019. – ISBN 978-86-84111-02-1. – Str. 255-264.
79.    ROIĆ, Sanja, Holocaust in children’s literature / Sanja Č. Roić
80.    ORSIC, Srdjan, Irresponsible bestselerization of the Holocaust / Srdjan V. Orsic. – Also available at:
81.    MICEVIC, Kolja, Prayer for Holocaust Composers. [Theresienstadt, Auschwitz —] / Kolja Mićević. – Beograd: Zlatno runo, 2021 (Beograd: Ton plus). – 76 p. ; 21 cm. – (Biblioteka Danteon)
82.     ZIKIC, Ana, “Invisible Monuments” and epic approach to the dramatic text / Ana Žikić. – Also available at: – Notes and bibliographic references in the text. – Bibliography: p. 233. – Abstract; Summary.
83.    INTERNATIONAL Scientific Conference Serbian Language, Literature, Art (15; 2020; Kragujevac). Serbian language, literature, art: collection of papers from the XV International Scientific Conference held at the Faculty of Philology and Arts in Kragujevac (October 30-31, 2020). Book 2/1, Jews / editors Dragan Bošković, Časlav Nikolić. – Kragujevac: Faculty of Philology and Arts, 2021 (Kragujevac: Faculty of Philology and Arts). – 390 pages. : ill. ; 24 cm
84.    INTERNATIONAL Scientific Conference Serbian Language, Literature, Art (15 ; 2020 ; Kragujevac), Serbian language, literature, art: collection of papers from the XV International Scientific Conference held at the Faculty of Philology and Arts in Kragujevac (October 30-31, 2020). Book 2/2, Jews / editors Dragan Bošković, Časlav Nikolić. – Kragujevac: Faculty of Philology and Arts, 2021 (Kragujevac: Faculty of Philology and Arts). – 406 pages
85.    VASILJEVIC, Maja, Jewish musicians in Belgrade: from the Balfour Declaration to the Holocaust / Maja Vasiljević; [foreword by Ivana Vesić]. – Beograd: HERAedu: Muzikološki institut SANU, 2021 (Beograd: Interprint). – 319 pages. : ill. ; 24 cm (Edicija Ex voto)
86.    RADOSAVLJEVIC, Života, Jews, the Sajmište camp and paying tribute to the victims of the Holocaust / Života Radosavljević, Dragana Radosavljević, Aleksandar Anđelković. – In: Collection of abstracts / Fifth Scientific Conference with International Participation: The Suffering of Serbs, Jews, Roma and Others in the Former Yugoslavia, Belgrade, 2018. – Belgrade: Faculty of Business Studies: Faculty of Strategic and Operational Management, University – “Union Nikola Tesla”, 2018. – ISBN 978-86-87333-99-
87.    ASANHODŽIĆ, Anisa, In the footsteps of our neighbors: Jews in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Holocaust / Anisa Hasanhodžić, Rifet Rustemović. – Sarajevo: Institut za istoriju, 2015 (Sarajevo: Dobra knjiga). – 433 p: ilustr. ; 24 cm. – (Posebna izdanja / Institut za istoriju ; knj. 12)
88.    TIMOTIJEVIC, Milos, [Seventy years since the victory over fascism in Serbia (1945-2015)] 70 years since the victory over fascism in Serbia (1945-2015) / Miloš Timotijević. – Also available at:
89.    DAKOVIC, Nevena, Drancy and the Old Fairgrounds: Why and How to Learn About the Holocaust in the 21st Century? / Nevena Daković, Aleksandra Kolaković. – Notes and bibliographic references with the text. – Bibliography: p. 402-405. – Abstract; Summary. In: World War II 75 years later. Volume 2 / [eds. Dalibor Denda, Bojan B. Dimitrijević, Dmitar Tasić]. – Beograd: Institut za strategijska istraživanja: Institut za noviju istoriju Srbije: Institut za savremenu istoriju ; Banja Luka : Univerzitet, 2021. – ISBN 978-86-81121-31-3. – р.383-407.
90.     DJOKIC, Bojan, The suffering of the Jews of Macedonia in the camp in Banjica / Bojan Đokić. – Tables. – Notes and bibliographic references with the text. – Abstract; Summary. – Bibliography: p. 109-110.In: Yearbook of Genocide Research. – ISSN 2406-2901. – Book 8 (2016), р. 99-110.
91.     ZIVKOVIC, Milutin, Novi Pazar under occupation and the fate of Novi Pazar Jews / Milutin D. Zivkovic. – Also available at: – Notes and bibliographic references with the text. – Abstract; Summary. – Bibliography: p. 208.
92.    PETKOVIC, Marija, Cooperation with the libraries of the Jewish community in the research and analysis of material on Jews in the Second World War / Marija Petković. – Also available at: – Notes and bibliographic references with the text. – Bibliography: p. 47. – Abstract; Summary; annotation. In: Cooperation of libraries with libraries of traditional churches and religious communities in the Republic of Serbia / ед. Katarina Jablanović. – Kraljevo : Narodna biblioteka “Stefan Prvovenčani”, 2020. – ISBN 978-86-80522-99-9. – р. 39-49.
93.     RADOICIC, Neda, Comparative analysis of testimonies in the transfer of memories of victims in gas vans in Yugoslavia and Poland during World War II / Neda Radoičić. –
94.    CVETKOVIC, Dragan, Cannon Sheds and Fairground camps central places of the Holocaust in occupied Serbia – numerical definition and quantitative analysis / Dragan Cvetković. – Tables. – Also available at: – Notes and bibliographic references with the text. – Abstract; Summary. – Bibliography: p. 91.In: History of the 20th Century. – ISSN 0352-3160. – Year 36, No. 1 (2018), p. 69-92.
95.    CVETKOVIC, Dragan, Holocaust as an extreme form of suffering of civilians in occupied Serbia – numerical definition and quantitative analysis Dragan Cvetković. – Graphical figures. – Notes and bibliographic references with the text. – Bibliography: p. 113-116. – Abstract; Summary.In: Flows of History. – ISSN 0354-6497. – No. 2 (2018), р. 89-118.
96.    CVETKOVIC, Dragan, Holocaust in Serbia (German occupation area) – numerical definition and quantitative analysis / Драган Цветковић. – Graphical figures. – Also available at: Notes and bibliographic references with the text. – Abstract; Summary. – Bibliography: p. 137-140.
97.     KLJAKOVIĆ-Šantić, Josip, Jasenovac – an enigma of the Holocaust / Josip Kljaković-Šantić. – Zagreb : Tkanica, 2016 (Zagreb : GRAFOK). – 183 p. : tables ; 23 cm + 1 optical disc (CD ROM)
98.    MILOSEVIC, Dragan, Bibliography of Works About the Suffering of the Roma Population During the Second World War on the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia / Dragan Milošević = I bibliografia e tekstunengo tar i jašin/samudaripen e Romengo an dujto lumiako maripe pi teritoria e Jugoslaviaki. – Београд = Belgrade : Музеј жртава геноцида = Musem of Genocide Victims, 2020 (Горњи Милановац : Графопринт) = Gornji Milanovac (Grafoprint). – 100 стр.
99.    FAZLIEVA, Fakrija, E Rromenqo samudaripe an-o dùjto sasundalutno maripe = [Stradanje Roma za vreme Drugog svetskog rata] / Fikrija Fazlieva. – Beograd : Rrom
100.    SCIENTIFIC conference with international participation – The suffering of Serbs, Jews, Roma and others in the territory of the former Yugoslavia (9 ; 2022 ; Beograd)    Collection of abstracts / Ninth Scientific Conference with International Participation The Suffering of Serbs, Jews, Roma and Others in the Former Yugoslavia, Belgrade, 2022; [eds. Života Radosavljević, Dragan Tančić, Viktorija Rjapuhina]. – Beograd: Fakultet za poslovne studije : Fakultet za strateški i operativni menadžment Univerziteta -“Union Nikola Tesla”, 2022 (Beograd : NNK Internacional). – 63 p. ; 24 cm
101.    INTERNATIONAL Conference on the Suffering of Serbs, Jews, Roma and Others in the Former Yugoslavia (3; 2016; Belgrade). Collection of papers / Third International Conference Suffering of Serbs, Jews, Roma and Others in the Former Yugoslavia, Belgrade, 2016. ; [eds. Života Radosavljević, Vjačeslav Solovjov, Olja Arsenijević]. – Beograd: Fakultet za poslovne studije i pravo: Fakultet za strateški i operativni menadžment Univerziteta “Union – Nikola Tesla”, 2016 (Beograd: Beopress). – 172 p: ilustr. ; 24 cm
102.    INTERNATIONAL Conference Holocaust against Serbs, Jews and Roma in World War II (2; 2015; Belgrade). Collection of papers / Second International Conference – Holocaust against Serbs, Jews and Roma in World War II, Belgrade, 2015; [eds. Vojislav Vucenovic et al.]. – Beograd: Fakultet za poslovne studije i pravo: Fakultet za strateški i operativni menadžment, 2015 (Beograd : Beopress). – 198 p: ilustr. ; 25 cm
103.    INTERNATIONAL Conference Holocaust against Serbs, Jews and Roma in World War II (2 ; 2015 ; Београд). Collection of papers [electronic] / Second International Conference – Holocaust against Serbs, Jews and Roma in World War II, Belgrade, 2015; ; [eds. Vojislav Vucenovic et al.]. – Beograd : Fakultet za poslovne studije i pravo : Fakultet za strateški i operativni menadžment, 2015 (Beograd : Beopress) – 1 CD-ROM: illustr. Papers in Serbian and English. – p. 7-10: Predgovor za Drugu međunarodnu konferenciju o holokaustu = Preface for the 2nd International Conference about holocaust / Života Radosavljević. – Additional materijal: p. 189-196. – Notes and bibliographic references with the text. – Bibliography with each paper. – Abstracts.
104.    SCIENTIFIC conference with international participation The suffering of Serbs, Jews, Roma and others in the territory of the former Yugoslavia (6 ; 2019 ; Beograd). The danger of historical revisionism: collection of abstracts / Sixth Scientific conference with international participation The suffering of Serbs, Jews, Roma and others in the territory of the former Yugoslavia, Beograd, 2019. [organized by] Fakultet za poslovne studije i pravo [i] Fakultet za informacione tehnologije i inženjerstvo Univerziteta “Union-Nikola Tesla” [i] Muzej žrtava genocida ; [eds. Života Radosavljević, Vjačeslav Solovjov, Olja Arsenijević]. – Beograd : Fakultet za poslovne studije i pravo : Fakultet za informacione tehnologije i inženjerstvo, 2019 (Beograd : Beopress). – 80 p. ; 24 cm
105.    SCIENTIFIC conference with international participation The suffering of Serbs, Jews, Roma and others in the territory of the former Yugoslavia (6 ; 2019 ; Beograd). The danger of historical revisionism: collection of abstracts / Sixth Scientific conference with international participation The suffering of Serbs, Jews, Roma and others in the territory of the former Yugoslavia, Beograd, 2019 [eds. Života Radosavljević, Vjačeslav Solovjov, Olja Arsenijević]. – Beograd : Fakultet za poslovne studije i pravo : Fakultet za informacione tehnologije i inženjerstvo, 2019 (Beograd : Beopress). – 344 p. : ilustr. ; 24 cm
106.    SCIENTIFIC conference with international participation The suffering of Serbs, Jews, Roma and others in the territory of the former Yugoslavia (7 ; 2020 ; Beograd). Collection of abstracts / Seventh Scientific conference with international participation The suffering of Serbs, Jews, Roma and others in the territory of the former Yugoslavia, Beograd, 2020. ; [eds. Života Radosavljević…[et al. ]]. – Beograd : Fakultet za poslovne studije i pravo : Fakultet za informacione tehnologije i inženjerstvo, 2020 (Beograd : Beopress). – 152 str. ; 24 cm
107.    SCIENTIFIC conference with international participation The suffering of Serbs, Jews, Roma and others in the territory of the former Yugoslavia (8 ; 2021 ; Beograd). Collection of abstracts / Eighth  scientific conference with international participation The suffering of Serbs, Jews, Roma and others in the territory of the former Yugoslavia, Beograd, 2021. ; [eds. Života Radosavljević…[et al. ]]. – Beograd : Fakultet za poslovne studije i pravo : Fakultet za informacione tehnologije i inženjerstvo, 2020 (Beograd : NNK Internacional). – 88 p. ; 24 cm
108.    SCIENTIFIC conference with international participation The suffering of Serbs, Jews, Roma and others in the territory of the former Yugoslavia (7 ; 2020 ; Beograd). Collection of papers/ Seventh scientific conference with international participation The suffering of Serbs, Jews, Roma and others in the territory of the former Yugoslavia, Beograd, 2020. ; [eds. Života Radosavljević…[et al. ]]. – Beograd : Fakultet za poslovne studije i pravo : Fakultet za informacione tehnologije i inženjerstvo, 2020 (Beograd : Beopress). – 476 str. : ilustr. ; 24 cm
109.    SCIENTIFIC conference with international participation The suffering of Serbs, Jews, Roma and others in the territory of the former Yugoslavia (5 ; 2018 ; Београд). Collection of abstracts / Fifth scientific conference with international participation The suffering of Serbs, Jews, Roma and others in the territory of the former Yugoslavia, Beograd, 2018 ; [eds. Života Radosavljević, Vjačeslav Solovjov, Olja Arsenijević]. – Beograd : Fakultet za poslovne studije : Fakultet za strateški i operativni menadžment Univerziteta -“Union Nikola Tesla”, 2018 (Beograd : Beopress). – 76 p. : illustr. ; 24 cm
110.    SCIENTIFIC conference with international participation The suffering of Serbs, Jews, Roma and others in the territory of the former Yugoslavia (4 ; 2017 ; Београд). Collection of papers/ Fourth scientific conference with international participation The suffering of Serbs, Jews, Roma and others in the territory of the former Yugoslavia, Beograd, 27. January 2017; [organized by] Fakultet za poslovne studije i pravo [i] Fakultet za informacione tehnologije i inženjerstvo Univerziteta “Union-Nikola Tesla” [i] Muzej žrtava genocida ; [eds. Života Radosavljević, Vjačeslav Solovjov, Olja Arsenijević]. – Beograd : Fakultet za poslovne studije i pravo : Fakultet za strateški i operativni menadžment, 2017 (Beograd : Beopress). – 239 str. : ilustr. ; 24 cm
111.    PISARI, Milovan, Suffering of Roma in Serbia during the Holocaust / Milovan Pisari. – Beograd : Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung Southeast Europe, 2016 (Beograd : Standard 2). – 159 p. ; 22 cm
112.    THE SUFFERING of Serbs, Jews, Roma and Others in the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia: monograph / [editors-in-chief Zivota Radosavljević, Vjačeslav Solovjov, Olja Arsenijević]. – Beograd: Fakultet za poslovne studije i pravo : Fakultet za strateški i operativni menadžment Univerziteta-Union ” Nikola Tesla” : Museum of Genocide Victims, 2018 (Beograd : Beopress). – 424 р. : illustr. ; 24 cm
113.    SCIENTIFIC conference with international participation – The suffering of Serbs, Jews, Roma and others in the territory of the former Yugoslavia (4 ; 2017 ; Beograd)    Book of abstracts / Fourth Fourth scientific conference with international participation The suffering of Serbs, Jews, Roma and others in the territory of the former Yugoslavia, Beograd,  2017; [editors-in-chief Zivota Radosavljević, Vjačeslav Solovjov, Olja Arsenijević]. – Beograd : Fakultet za poslovne studije i pravo Univerziteta “Union-Nikola Tesla” : Fakultet za strateški i operativni menadžment Univerziteta “Union-Nikola Tesla”, 2017 (Beograd : Beopress). – 68 p. ; 24 cm
114.     DRAWING HISTORY. Stories of rescue during the Holocaust / [ed.] Vladimir Arsenić. – Beograd : Centar za primenjenu istoriju, 2021 (Beograd : Standard 2).
115.    MARKOVIC, Milos, Dominance of ideological-political over humanistic attitude towards victims / Miloš Marković – Note on the author – Presentation at the First International Conference on the Holocaust against Serbs, Jews and Roma in the Second World War
116.    SAVIC, Dusan, Porajmos / Dušan Savić ; przełożyła Angieszka Żuchowska-Ardent. – Brzeg : Stowarzyszenie Żywych Poetów, 2016 (Opole : P&J Poligrafia). – 153 str. ; 21
117.    SAVIC, Dusan, Porajmos / Dušan Savić. – 2nd supplemented ed.- Beograd : Skripta Internacional, 2020 (Beograd : Skripta Internacional). – 227 p. ; 19 cm. – (Biblioteka Nezaboravak)
118.    SAVIC, Dusan, Porajmos / Dušan Savić. – 2nd supplemented ed. – Beograd : Skripta Internacional, 2020 (Beograd : Skripta Internacional). – 227 str. ; 19 cm. – (Biblioteka Nezaboravak)
119.    SAVIC, Dusan, Porajmos / Dušan Savić; translated from Serbian by Asude Abdul Kocan. – Skopje: Almanah, 2016 (Skopje : Rigrafika). – 198 p. ; 21 cm. – (Edicija Beletristika / [Almanah])


Public surveys


Textbooks and teaching materials
  • In the period 2019-2022, new programs of teaching and learning for primary school and high schools of general, social and natural-mathematical profiles and all specialized profiles were adopted, in which the topic of the Holocaust has a proper place and receives due attention. The topic is represented in the programs for the eighth grade of primary school and the fourth grade of high school, as well as in the programs for secondary vocational schools in the final grades. The Catalog of Approved Professional Development Programs, approved by the Institute for the Advancement of Education and Upbringing, for the period 2018/2020 includes approved programs in the field of social sciences, dedicated to the Holocaust. In the reformed curricula for the History subject, the Holocaust and Genocide against Roma and Slavs during the Second World War are represented within the thematic units that include teaching about the Second World War, its consequences, as well as the rights of individuals and social groups in different civilizations and historical epochs, then on international relations, alliances and crises (for example within the topic: Genocide, Holocaust, genocide against Roma, genocide against Serbs in the NDH (Auschwitz, Jasenovac, Sajmiste, ghettoes…)). In addition, such studies take place in other teaching and learning programs, such as: Civic education (for example, under the theme All different and all equal; elective high school programs Religions and Civilizations, Individual, Group and Society, but also in other programs of social-humanistic orientation, such as mother tongue (through the study of literary works), foreign language, geography, etc. Since the programs are process-oriented, teachers plan and carry out teaching in relation to the context in which it takes place, with adequate application of those teaching forms, methods, procedures and tools whose value is determined and confirmed by modern practice and methodology of teaching and learning subjects (above all: various types of work organization and the use of communicative, logical and professional (special) methods appropriate to the content being covered and the capabilities of students). At the same time, the programs envisage that these extremely important topics can be expanded through research and work projects of students. Projects are organized at different levels (at the level of: departments, classes, schools or in cooperation of several schools). They are developed through several phases, and the results of the work can be analyzed within the department, but also promoted at exhibitions, events, social networks and digital platforms, guest appearances on local television, school magazines, etc., thus disseminating this important topic and having it become even more visible.
  • The Ministry of Foreign Affairs financed part of the funds for the translation of the Guidelines for Holocaust Studies, which IHRA prepared and Terraforming translated into Serbian language. The guidelines were sent electronically to teachers via school administration and they can be also  downloaded via link from the website of Ministry of Education, Science and Technological development and from the website of Terraforming
  • In 2018, Terraforming, in cooperation with the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam, the ODIHR, the Ministries of Education, Youth and Sports and Foreign Affairs (within the IHRA Degelation), created teaching materials for combating antisemitism and for learning about the Holocaust. This material has been delievered to all regional education centers in the Republic of Serbia and is used in teaching.
Teaching and educational surveys


Museums, memorials, archives, and sites
  •  World War II execution site in Jajinci;
  • „Stratište“ Monument – Jabuka, Pančevо; Decision of the Government of the RS number: 633-8256 / 2014 (“Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia”, No. 84/2014) determined Memorial complex “Stratište” as an immovable cultural asset – a significant locality. Memorial complex “Stratište” is located on catastral parcels nos. 1863/2, 1864/3, 1865/9 and 6248/3 of the cadastral municipality of Jabuka. The locality of significance is located at the place where several thousand victims of fascism were killed. The shootings lasted from October 1941 to the summer of 1944, and the victims were also buried there. The exact number of people killed cannot be determined, it is assumed that the total number is between 10,000 and 12,000.
  • The Memorial Center “Staro Sajmište” (“Old Fairgrunds”) is a new cultural institution founded by the Government of the Republic of Serbia recently. It is based on a lex specialis passed by the Serbian Parliament that became effective in 2021. The Memorial center was registered in April of 2022 and is now beginning to operate.The Memorial Center “Staro Sajmište” is dedicated to the camp located on the Staro Sajmište site in the heart of today’s Belgrade. Prior to the breakout of World War Two in Yugoslavia in 1941, the site was the location of the Belgrade Fair. Following the invasion of Yugoslavia by the Axis Powers, Yugoslavia was dismembered and divided into several occupation zones, while a greater part of the country, including the territory of Serbia known as Srem (where the camp as well as the town of Zemun/Semlin are located), was annexed by the Independent State of Croatia, a satellite of Nazi Germany. The Nazi German occupation authorities in Serbia converted the whole fairgrounds and all of its buildings into a concentration / death camp. In its first phase (1941-1942), the camp was a Judenlager, where 83% of Serbian Jews were killed. In the second phase (1942-1944) it was an Anhaltelager, where one third of the inmates, mostly Serbs (from both the Independent State of Croatia and Serbia) as well as other nationals, were killed, while others were deported to various camps in the Reich and Norway (where many of them perished). Serbian Roma were included among the victims in both phases of the camp. The second phase of the camp also included two groups of Jews – one from Kosovo and Metohia (arrested and deported to Staro sajmište by the SS Skenderbeg Division) and the second from the forced labour camp in the mine located in the Serbian town of Bor. The Jews were the first and last inmates. Therefore, Staro sajmište will become the central Jewish memorial site in Serbia. The policy of the Memorial Center is to award the same attention and respect to all victims, regardless of their religion, ethnicity, nationality, gender and ideological preferences. The law on the Memorial Center envisages the establishment of two museums, one dedicated to the first phase of the camp, and the other to the second phase of the camp.The Memorial Center – its offices, museums, commemoration hall, archives, library, and venues for exhibitions, educational activities, seminars and conferences – will be located in the original buildings of the camp, once they are reconstructed and returned to their original form. These buildings and the Old Fairgrounds site are protected by law as prime cultural heritage. At this point in time, the offices of the Memorial Center are temporarily housed in a modest postwar building (that had previously been used as an educational venue). In addition, the government has allocated funds, through the Ministry of Culture and Information, for the beginning of the reconstruction of the first camp building – the Central Tower. This building, located in the center of the site, is a symbol of the site and the multiple changes of its function in its long history. The reconstruction is scheduled to begin very soon. The Staro sajmište camp is most probably the last Nazi camp to be “liberated” from layers of oblivion, marginalization and neglect. The main tasks of the Memorial Center “Staro Sajmište” are to memorialize, document, research, educate and disseminate the multifaceted and tragic narrative of the wartime Nazi camp as well as to promote, in public memory, the historical image of events, victims, perpetrators, resistance and suffering. We have sent a request to IHRA to include Staro Sajmiste Memorial center to the IHRA Overview of Holocaust-related Organizations.
  • Memorial Park “Cannon Sheds”. Cannon Sheds is the name of the first concentration camp for Jews and Roma in Belgrade that existed during the Second World War. It was located at Autokomanda city quarter, and in the period from August 22, 1941, when the mass arrest of Jews in Belgrade and its surroundings began, until December 12, 1941, when this camp ceased to operate, about 4,000 people were held there, mostly Jews from Banat as well as Roma. On the occasion of the International Holocaust Remembrance Day, in January 2006, the “Cannon Sheds” Memorial Park was opened. (Part of the Old Fairground by the Law on the Old Fairground/Staro Sajmište Memorial Center).
Implementing the International Memorial Museums Charter

While drafting the Law on the Establishment of the Memorial Center “Staro Sajmište”, all the principles of the ICOM – International Charter for Memorial Museums were taken into account, especially the part “Given the very different historical experiences, memorial museums should accept the co-existence of different commemorative imperatives that are aimed at pluralistic cultures of remembrance. Institutions should be designed for cooperation instead of encouraging competition which can create a struggle for dominance. Should this be a practical venture, a joint culture of remembrance could develop gradually out of a multitude of decentralized initiatives on whose foundations the Memorial Center was founded.

Publicly funded organizations
  • The Old Fairground Memorial Center is financed from budget sources.
  • In 2021, Terraforming received financial support from the Ministry of Culture within the EU Project Co-financing Program. Support was received for the EU Hannah project to create teaching materials aiming to combat antisemitism.
Policy statements relating to genocide and mass atrocities

Same as question 1.

Recent news

22 Aug 2022 Time to read: 1 min

Seminar for teachers held in Novi Sad, Serbia

Terraforming and The Olga Lengyel Institute (TOLI) are organizing the second annual seminar for teachers from the Republic of Serbia from 21-25 August in Novi Sad entitled “The Holocaust and Human Rights: Learning from the past – acting for the future.”

Resources in Serbian


Министарска декларација 2020

Поводом обележавања 75. годишњице ослобађања немачких нацистичких концентрационих и логора истребљења и других места прогона и убистава, ми, високи представници Влада држава чланица Међународне алијансе за сећање на холокауст (IHRA), одајемо почаст жртвама и преживелима Холокауста (Shoah) који је погодио јеврејски народ.

Working Definitions & Charters

Радна дефиниција антисемитизма

Правно необавезујућа Радна дефиниција антисемитизма усвојена је на пленарном састанку IHRA у Букурешту 26. маја 2016. године.