
Learn about Slovakia’s efforts to advance education, remembrance, and research on the Holocaust and genocide of the Roma.

Joined the IHRA


International Holocaust Remembrance Day

27 January

Memorial Day for the Victims of the Holocaust and Racial Violence

9 September

See a list of Slovakia's delegation members

Ambassador Manuel Korcek (Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs) – Head of Delegation

Miriam Joklova (Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs) – Deputy Head of Delegation

Jan Hero (Ministry of Education) – Education Working Group

Jan Hlavinka (Slovak Academy of Sciences) – Academic Working Group

Martin Korčok (Slovak National Museum – Museum of Jewish Culture) – Museums and Memorials Working Group

Kristína Dublanová (Slovak National Museum – Museum of Jewish Culture) – Education Working Group

Michal Vaněk (Slovak National Museum – Museum of Jewish Culture) – Museums and Memorials Working Group

IHRA membership has given the Holocaust-related agenda in Slovakia an international dimension, with the truly positive impact of creating new networks and new activities such as a recent project on the genocide of the Roma (with IHRA financial support). Working within the IHRA means working with people whose expertise and experience inspire activities and initiatives at a national level.

Furthermore, IHRA membership helps to ensure that Holocaust education and remembrance remain important topics in public discourse and on a political level. The most important moment in recent years was the establishment of the first Slovak Holocaust Museum in the city of Sered, located on the authentic site of the former work and concentration camp, which opened in January 2016 on International Holocaust Remembrance Day.

Recent news

Resources in Slovak


Štokholmská deklarácia

Deklarácia Štokholmského medzinárodného fóra o holokauste je zakladajúcim dokumentom Medzinárodnej aliancie pre pripomínanie holokaustu a naďalej slúži ako potvrdenie záväzku všetkých členských krajín IHRA presadzovať spoločné princípy.

Working Definitions & Charters

Pracovná definícia antisemitizmu aliancie IHRA

Medzinárodná aliancia pre pripomínanie holokaustu (International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance – IHRA) spája vlády a expertov v úsilí o posilnenie a podporu vzdelávania o holokauste, jeho pripomínania a s ním súvisiaceho výskumu na celom svete, ako aj v snahe o plnenie záväzkov vyplývajúcich zo Štokholmskej deklarácie z roku 2000.